Our company has a proven record of providing incident and injury-free services and ensures a well-run event and Security Detail by providing a safe and secure environment for the principal, public, performers, and event staff.

Our Services

For Specialized Security Assistance and Excellence in Risk Management!

Our Mission

To protect South Africa’s events, workplaces and communities by providing the Health & Safety and Security they need to safeguard their people, events, clients, protect their assets and maintain their ability to generate profits.
We live in a world in which concerns for Health, Safety and Security escalate daily. To be able to meet the increasing demands, we’ve chosen to concentrate exclusively on Health & Safety and Security. That means we can dig deeper, understand more and do our job better.

Our Mission

To protect South Africa’s events, workplaces and communities by providing the Health & Safety and Security they need to safeguard their people, events, clients, protect their assets and maintain their ability to generate profits.
We live in a world in which concerns for Health, Safety and Security escalate daily. To be able to meet the increasing demands, we’ve chosen to concentrate exclusively on Health & Safety and Security. That means we can dig deeper, understand more and do our job better.

Our clients testimonials

Our clients testimonials



To ensure you meet with all regulations and more information regarding procedures. Please contact us at our head office.


PostNet Suite 580
Private Bag X1
The Willows, 0041


+27 12 880 5859

Contact Form

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